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11. User Rankings

When playing "The Outbreak" your town gain points as it progresses. Each time a round ends the total points you had at the end of the playing round are written towards your user account. When you have earned enough points you can gain different 'Titles', this will show other players.

When the round ends it will take one more hour to calculate score and for you to receive the mail with the endgame results and your prizes. During this hour you cannot earn any more points.

Important!! Only accounts who have finished atleast 1 game and thus have more than 0 points and were active over the last 12 months will be shown in the overall rankings.

User Points Bonus Modifier

When a low ranked level player is active in a higher level area, it will receive a bonus modifier. Each level below the advised title for that area will give you a extra 25.000 bonus point reward. The player needs to atleast have reached townlevel 40 for this bonus modifier to be applied.

For example a 'Starter' joining a experienced level area (with 'Sergeant' title as advised) will receive a 4 x 25.0000 = 100.000 points bonus when he finishes that round.

Rankings and Titles

Title Points Special & Rewards *
Starter 0 - 20.000 Able to play in level 'Beginner' PvP areas.
Scout 20.000 - 100.000 -
Private 100.000 - 210.000 Receive an extra wildcard.
Corporal 210.000 - 360.000 -
Sergeant 360.000 - 550.000 Receive a free outbreak credit.
Sergeant major 550.000 - 780.000 -
Warrant Officer 780.000 - 1.050.000 Receive a extra wildcard.
2nd Lieutenant 1.050.000 - 1.360.000 -
Lieutenant 1.360.000 - 1.710.000 Receive a free outbreak credit.
Captain 1.710.000 - 2.100.000 -
Major 2.100.000 - 2.530.000 Receive a extra wildcard.
Lieutenant colonel 2.530.000 - 3.040.000 -
Colonel 3.040.000 - 3.550.000 Receive a free outbreak credit.
Brigadier 3.550.000 - 4.100.000 -
General 4.100.000 - 4.690.000 Receive a extra wildcard.
Marshal 4.690.000 - 5.320.000 -
Hero > 5.320.000 Receive a free outbreak credit.
* Rewards can only be gained by PvP score.

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