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8.2 Attack a government location

On the map you will find some government location which can be captured. Each of the location are strategically good to defend, this will give the defender some advantages. If you defend a government location you receive a 20% defence bonus.

Each government location has a unique identifier number. When you fill in the name as a target, it will automically change the target name to that number. Leave this number unchanged for attacking the right target.

The numbers for the correspoding government location targets are:

1- Refinery A
2 - Refinery B
3- Missile silo A
4 - Missile silo B
5 - Military camp
6 - Fairground
7 - Capital
8 - Powerstation
9 - Waterworks
10 - Car Depot

When you attack a government location the combat follows the next phases.

Surprise attack: Since the government locations are under constant threat of attack, it is not possible to perform a surprise attack against it.
Mortar phase: Before the battle begins, your attacking mortars are allowed to fire upon the enemy positions. Each unit killed in this phase will not be able to defend the town and is also not calculated in the defense score.

Mortar counter fire: Defending mortars return fire upon attacking forces. Also units killed in this phase will not be calculated in the attacking score.

Assault phase: Troops of both sides will now engage each other, defending structures will open fire upon the assaulting troop, militia will join the battle and casaulties will be calculated.

Result: The formula for War:

Attack = Units total attacking score + Hero bonus + Extremist (tech1)

Defend = Base defense (300) + Units total defeding score + Capital bonus + Hero bonus + Liberal (tech1) + (Tower x 75) + (Bunker x 150) * 20% defence bonus.

Remember that defensive structures without power only defend with half of their points

In the game there are 3 degrees for wining and 3 for loosing.

Minor victory: You have narrowly managed to win the battle but your troops have taken over the government location
Major victory: Your forces have kicked some ass took over the government location.
Decisive victory: Your forces have engaged the enemy with overwhelming firepower and took over the government location.

Minor defeat: Your troops got engaged in heavy fighting and have tactical been withdrawn.
Major defeat: Your troops were met with heavy resistance and forced to abandon the attack.
Decisive defeat: With overwhelming fire power the defenders forced your army to retreat immediatly.

Militia Very Low Very High Low
Policemen Very Low High Low
Agents Medium Medium High
Bikers Very High Medium Low
Soldiers High Low Medium
Mortars High Low High

Next Chapter - > 8.3 Attack a acre location