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Read back Quick Guide
1. Gameplay
1.1 Missions
1.2 Public order
1.3 Technology Tree
1.4 Wildcards
1.5 Research
1.6 Outbreak credits
1.7 Regional events
1.8 Heroes
2. Resources
3. Construction
4. Fairground
4.1 Government
4.2 Casino
4.3 Auctions
5. Relations
5.1 Clan
6. Special Operations
6.1 Town operations
6.2 Agressive operations
7. Units
7.1 Special Units
8. Attack
8.1 Town
8.2 Government location
8.3 Acre location
8.4 Combat Score
9. Map
9.1 Convoys
9.2 Government
9.3 Acre locations
9.4 Raiders camps
9.5 Raider gangs
10. Town Rankings
11. User rankings
12. Areas
12.1 Round_prizes
12.2 Kansas Wars (PvP)
12.3 Invasion (PvE)
12. FAQ
9.1 Convoy
When player trade or attack a convoy will be formed. Both will take time to prepare and travel to their location. At first all convoys, except for the ones you own, will be hidden for other player unless they are 'discovered' by your agents. To discover convoys you will need to perform a special operation, which can be done on the map by this icon.

By clicking on this icon your agents will perform the 'Convoy information' operations and reveal random convoys at the map (if any at that moment and a maximum of 4 convoys each click). Energy needed for the operation will be deducted as normal.
You agents can spot 3 different kind of convoys:

By hovering or clicking on an icon a dropdown box will appear. Inside the dropdown box more information will be shown about the convoy and a list of options will appear. When you own a convoy you have the option to recall it. When an attack convoy reaches its target, you can also perform the attack on the map by clicking on the 'Attack!' option.
When you spot an enemy convoy, depending on your relationship with this target, you have 2 important options.
- Raid convoy
- Ambush convoy
Raid trading convoy
When an trade convoy is spotted on the map, you can target this convoy by hovering your mouse over it. This will trigger a dropdown box, inside the dropdown box more information will be shown about the convoy and (depending on the relationship with the target) the option ambush convoy will appear.
When you click ‘Raid convoy’ the ‘Raid trading convoy’ operation will be triggered against the specific targeted convoy. When successful you capture a certain amount of vehicles and its resources.
For this operation the normal defense and attack statistics will be used as the normal operations.
Ambush convoy
When an attack convoy is spotted on the map, you can target this convoy by hovering your mouse over it. This will trigger a dropdown box, inside the dropdown box more information will be shown about the convoy and (depending on the relationship with the target) the option ambush convoy will appear.
When you click ‘Ambush convoy’ the ‘Ambush patrols’ operation will be triggered against the targeted convoy. Note that when ambushing patrols against attack convoys, the defender will not receive its checkpost bonus, also ambushing biker convoys is extra difficult.