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Kansas 2 news

Week 606: Narkina_5 [RES] has abandoned Acre 45.
Week 605: Rumours are spread about wealth and prosperity in the state of Nebraska, attracting many refugees from neighbouring states.
Week 603: Forces from the town of Narkina_5 [RES] have attacked Acre 45 owned by Whiskeytown [CLOWN] resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 597: The Chargers forces have attacked Acre 6 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a major defeat. Body count reached 200.
Week 596: Black seals forces have attacked Acre 6 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 595: The town of Dublin has reached level 5!
Week 594: Red Boars forces have attacked Acre 72 owned by Narkina_5 [RES] resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 1.
Week 593: Black seals forces have attacked Acre 104 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a minor defeat. Body count reached 175.
Week 593: Fallen Angels forces have attacked Acre 18 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 592: Forces from the town of Narkina_5 [RES] have attacked Acre 72 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 592: Red Boars forces have attacked Acre 104 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 592: Forces from the town of Fortview [OA] have attacked Acre 5 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 236.
Week 592: An aggressive virus has again taken hold off the kansas region, the government urges all towns to prevent spreading of the virus with all means necessary.
Week 591: Acre 96 got hit by a missile.
Week 591: Acre 85 got hit by a missile.
Week 591: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of saartjeeeeoo
Week 589: Whiskeytown [CLOWN] has abandoned Acre 6.
Week 589: Whiskeytown [CLOWN] has abandoned Acre 18.
Week 589: Rumours state that the town of Whiskeytown [CLOWN] has suffered a power drain.
Week 589: Forces from the town of Whiskeytown [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 72 owned by Narkina_5 [RES] resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 589: Whiskeytown [CLOWN] did not have space for Acre 72 and has thus abandoned it
Week 589: Forces from the town of Whiskeytown [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 104 owned by Narkina_5 [RES] resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 589: Whiskeytown [CLOWN] did not have space for Acre 104 and has thus abandoned it
Week 589: Forces from the town of Whiskeytown [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 45 owned by Narkina_5 [RES] resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 586: Forces from the town of Fortview [OA] have attacked Acre 107 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 150.
Week 582: Forces from the town of Narkina_5 [RES] have attacked Acre 72 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 192.
Week 581: The town of saartjeeeeoo has reached level 25!
Week 581: The town of saartjeeeeoo has played a wildcard!
Week 581: Forces from the town of Narkina_5 [RES] have attacked Acre 120 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 579: Toms_TruckStop [CLOWN] has abandoned Acre 120.
Week 579: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 12 in sector I-4, body count is rumored to reach up to 33.
Week 579: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 14 in sector F-1, body count is rumored to reach up to 83.
Week 579: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 13 in sector G-1, body count is rumored to reach up to 42.
Week 578: An epidemic has struck the town of Narkina_5 [RES]
Week 577: A new level 7 raiders camp has appeared in sector F-1 aligned to Red Boars!
Week 577: A new level 5 raiders camp has appeared in sector G-1 aligned to The Chargers!
Week 577: A new level 5 raiders camp has appeared in sector I-4 aligned to The Vipers!
Week 577: Raiders gangs are settling into this region, an influx of raider camps is expected soon.
Week 575: Forces from the town of Toms_TruckStop [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 18 owned by Narkina_5 [RES] resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 574: A large fire has struck the town of Mohawk [CLOWN]