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Kansas 2 news

Week 421: Forces from the town of Intramuros [oa] have attacked Acre 35 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 208.
Week 420: Bounty hunters have moved on to another region since they were unable to find a suitable target worth their efforts
Week 418: Weather has soaked the Kansas region and caused widespread and localized flooding, causing damage to the infrastructure.
Week 417: Forces from the town of LV12RunLetsGo [BONUS] have attacked Acre 19 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 375.
Week 411: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 12 in sector F-1, body count is rumored to reach up to 38.
Week 409: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 10 in sector B-4, body count is rumored to reach up to 67.
Week 409: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 11 in sector A-8, body count is rumored to reach up to 72.
Week 407: Forces from the town of Suwa [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 23 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 164.
Week 406: Rumours state that the town of Intramuros [oa] has suffered a power drain.
Week 406: A new level 7 raiders camp has appeared in sector F-1 aligned to The Vipers!
Week 406: A new level 9 raiders camp has appeared in sector A-8 aligned to Red Boars!
Week 406: A new level 6 raiders camp has appeared in sector B-4 aligned to Diamond devils!
Week 406: Raiders gangs are settling into this region, an influx of raider camps is expected soon.
Week 399: The town of Hellsarce has reached level 30!
Week 399: The town of Hellsarce has reached level 25!
Week 397: Rumours state a patrol at Acre 104 got ambushed.
Week 397: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 9 in sector D-5, body count is rumored to reach up to 52.
Week 397: Forces from the town of Intramuros [oa] have attacked Acre 114 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a minor victory. Body count reached 146.
Week 396: A new level 6 raiders camp has appeared in sector D-5 aligned to The Chargers!
Week 395: Rumours state that the town of Suwa [CLOWN] has suffered a power drain.
Week 393: Tornados are ravaging the region of Kansas raising the prices of wood and stone for repairs.
Week 390: The town of Falconia [CLOWN] has reached level 40!
Week 387: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 8 in sector H-8, body count is rumored to reach up to 33.
Week 385: A new level 7 raiders camp has appeared in sector H-8 aligned to Black seals!
Week 383: Diamond devils forces have attacked Acre 114 owned by Intramuros [oa] resulting in a major victory. Body count reached 10.
Week 382: Forces from the town of Suwa [CLOWN] have destroyed Raider camp 7 in sector E-3, body count is rumored to reach up to 55.
Week 382: Red Boars forces have attacked Acre 37 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 381: A new level 6 raiders camp has appeared in sector E-3 aligned to Diamond devils!
Week 381: Raiders gangs are settling into this region, an influx of raider camps is expected soon.
Week 380: The town of Falconia [CLOWN] has reached level 35!
Week 380: Forces from the town of Falconia [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 62 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 115.
Week 379: Rumours state that a checkpost has been blown up in Acre 95!
Week 378: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 37 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 204.
Week 378: Mohawk [CLOWN] did not have space for Acre 37 and has thus abandoned it
Week 378: Nektovill got hit by a missile.
Week 378: Nektovill got hit by a missile.
Week 377: Black seals forces have attacked Acre 37 resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 0.
Week 372: The town of Nektovill [fedad] has reached level 30!
Week 371: Forces from the town of Mohawk [CLOWN] have attacked Acre 37 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive victory. Body count reached 143.
Week 371: Mohawk [CLOWN] did not have space for Acre 37 and has thus abandoned it