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Kansas news

Week 19365: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of NoobEater [BDSM]
Week 19361: The government has setup an aid program for struggling towns in the region of Kansas, expect aid to arrive soon.
Week 19352: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Arlington
Week 19350: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Daniel
Week 19346: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of moorish
Week 19345: Tornados are ravaging the region of Kansas raising the prices of wood and stone for repairs.
Week 19339: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Banger
Week 19337: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Arlington
Week 19333: Rumours are spread about wealth and prosperity in the state of Nebraska, attracting many refugees from neighbouring states.
Week 19331: The town of MintTown has reached level 20!
Week 19331: The town of MintTown has reached level 15!
Week 19331: The town of MintTown has reached level 10!
Week 19331: The town of MintTown has reached level 5!
Week 19331: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of LucyFyre [BDSM]
Week 19329: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Daniel
Week 19321: Weather has soaked the Kansas region and caused widespread and localized flooding, causing damage to the infrastructure.
Week 19320: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of moorish
Week 19314: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Arlington
Week 19313: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Mississippi
Week 19310: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of LucyFyre [BDSM]
Week 19309: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Daniel
Week 19307: An aggressive virus has again taken hold off the kansas region, the government urges all towns to prevent spreading of the virus with all means necessary.
Week 19301: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of LucyFyre [BDSM]
Week 19296: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Arlington
Week 19295: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of moorish
Week 19295: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Mississippi
Week 19292: Tornados are ravaging the region of Kansas raising the prices of wood and stone for repairs.
Week 19290: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Banger
Week 19290: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Daniel
Week 19279: The region of Kansas has been hit by extreme weather, delaying convoys in the whole region.
Week 19276: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of LucyFyre [BDSM]
Week 19267: The region of Kansas has been hit by extreme weather, delaying convoys in the whole region.
Week 19265: The town of cheekytowm has completed the game and left the area with a score of 591
Week 19258: Bounty hunters have moved on to another region since they were unable to find a suitable target worth their efforts
Week 19255: The region of Kansas has been hit by extreme weather, delaying convoys in the whole region.
Week 19254: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of moorish
Week 19254: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Mississippi
Week 19250: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Mississippi
Week 19245: Rumours state that riots have erupted in the town of Banger
Week 19239: Forces from the town of Kremlin have attacked Acre 21 owned by a group of bandits resulting in a decisive defeat. Body count reached 50.